Jun 17, 2024 | art retreat, couples travel, inspiration, travel, travel for artists, travel tips
Feb 12, 2024 | Art History, Art News, Reviews, travel, travel for artists
“White Ships”, John Singer Sargent 1908, watercolor over graphite, with gouache and wax resist, Brooklyn Museum, National Gallery of Art “Tarragona”, c. 1908, watercolor over graphite with gouache. New Britain Museum of American Art, National...
Jan 15, 2024 | Help for Artists, Tips for Artists, Tips Tricks and Art Hacks, tricks and Hacks for Artists
(Image: FineArtLight) Art Illuminates your soul. Here are some tips about illuminating artwork. When choosing where to hang a piece of art, we usually think in terms of space and the design of the room. We ask ourselves if it would look good in a certain...
Jul 21, 2023 | Art News, Artist interview, Help for Artists, Interviews, personal enhancement, scholarship, travel
Painting by Emiliano Marini Emiliano Marini, Soars from Scholarship to Artistic Success It was only a few years ago that Emiliano Marini applied for and was awarded a Scholarship to join us at Workshops in France. He was invited to paint at one of our premier...
Jan 13, 2023 | Interviews With Past Guests, art retreat, couples travel, travel, travel for artists
Family, Mother and Daughter, Betsy and Lindsey in Southern France It’s a Family Affair at Workshops in France You know that our experiences in France are so much more than mere travel. So, what could make them even better? Bring a family member! You would...
Aug 19, 2021 | art materials, Tips for Artists, Tips Tricks and Art Hacks
Yellow Ochre On Your Palette The ochre family of paints is a well-loved addition to any artist’s palette today but turn the clock back long ago before these colors were milled and mixed and forced into tubes as paint. Yellow and red ochres are abundant in...