Our Itinerary
LOVE this place!!! This was the MOST amazing thing I’ve EVER seen!!!!
Boules/Pétanque – More birthday fun – great game of boules (even if I was on the losers’ team!)
Carrières de Lumières: A remarkable experience! Provencal Open Air market: I LOVED going there…..we needed more time!
Carrières de Lumières: Can’t be explained, one has to see it to really get the full emotional affect. I so enjoy this place every time I go… Wish it was closer!!!! Can’t wait to go again, is describable, so awesome.. Provencal Open Air market: I so enjoy our outings there, so many nice things..
Carrières de Lumières: I loved that experience!
Carrières de Lumières: This is so fantastic! Impossible to adequately describe! You didn’t even mention the music! The whole experience is incredible powerful and moving. Thank you for including it. Provencal Open Air market: Beautiful produce and great bargains on gifts to bring home!
Provencal Open Air market: Love this place!
A good variety of locations and activities. Provencal Open Air market: The market should NOT be missed (by anyone)! It’s just so….mmm… French! Loved our visit there.
Exciting and stimulating.