Amethyst (Jamunia)
Amethyst: Captivating gemstone with regal purple hues, symbolizing clarity, intuition, and inner peace, perfect for adding a touch of elegance.
Bloodstone: Earthy green gem speckled with red, evoking vitality, courage, and grounding energy, revered for its protective and healing properties.
Blue Sapphire (Neelam)
Blue Sapphire: Stunning gem with deep blue hues, symbolizing wisdom, truth, and protection, making it a timeless and elegant choice.
Cats Eye (Lehsunia)
Cats Eye: Enigmatic gem with a striking chatoyancy effect, symbolizing intuition, good fortune, and protection, adding intrigue and allure.
Coral (Moonga)
Coral: Exquisite organic gem with vibrant hues, symbolizing vitality, protection, and healing, perfect for adding a touch of natural beauty.
Diamond (Heera)
Diamond: The ultimate symbol of brilliance and eternal love, renowned for its unparalleled beauty and timeless elegance worldwide.
Emarald (Panna)
Emerald: A mesmerizing gemstone with rich green hues, symbolizing growth, prosperity, and harmony, radiating natural beauty and timeless elegance.